
Heledd Wyn is a passionate and experienced director and producer of dramatic stories and creative content for film and television and a multi disciplinary visual artist. She has worked in the film and tv industry and within education, gaining a reputation for delivering a diverse range of quality projects. Her visual work, including photography and paintings have exhibited widely.

She is a freelance film maker and creative practitioner.

Heledd is workshop leader as a film maker, photographer and visual artist and has collaborated on many visual outputs, screenings, exhibitions and  instillations.

Her research, including her MPhil on the Representation of Mother in Film has led to being a member of The Centre of Material Thinking, Aberystwyth University, where she lectures in Film and TV, The Centre for the Study of Media and Culture in Small Nations, The George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling at the University of South Wales.

She is a director of MOMA Machynlleth board, a member of the Culture Committee of Bardsey Island, and the Central Art Committee of the Eisteddfod. She is also an active jury member of BAFTA Cymru | Wales


Mae Heledd Wyn yn artist gweledol, cyfarwyddwr a chynhyrchydd angerddol a phrofiadol sy’n creu straeon dramatig a chynnwys creadigol ar gyfer ffilm a theledu. Mae hi wedi gweithio yn y diwydiant ffilm a theledu ac o fewn y byd addysg, ac wedi ennill enw da am gyflwyno prosiectau o ansawdd.

Mae hi’n ymarferydd creadigol ac yn arweinydd gweithdai a dosbarthiadau meistr sydd wedi cydweithio ar amrywiaeth eang o brosiectau. Mae hi’n ffotograffydd sydd wedi arddangos gwaith.

Mae ei gwaith ymchwil academaidd, yn cynnwys MPhil ar Gynrychiolaeth y Fam mewn Ffilm, wedi arwain at fod yn aelod o Grwp ymchwil Prifysgol Aberystwyth, blae mae hi’n darlithio Ffilm a theledu, yn aelod o Ganolfan Astudio Cyfryngau a Diwylliant mewn Cenhedloedd Bach, Grŵp Ymchwil Cerdd a Drama a Chyfryngau a Canolfan Stori George Ewart Evans ym Mhrifysgol De Cymru.

Mae’n gyfarwyddwr ar fwrdd ymddiriedolaeth MOMA Machynlleth, ar fwrdd Diwylliant Ynys Enlli ac ar banel ganolog Celf yr Eisteddfod. Mae hi hefyd yn aelod gweithgar ar reithgor BAFTA Cymru.

Collaborators | Cydweithwyr